Slack Key Sundays
Over the last 20 or more years, no uniquely Hawaiian playing style has garnered more attention – and more new Hawaiian music fans – than slack key guitar. Arguably more recordings featuring slack key guitar have been released by local Hawai`i artists than any other style of Hawaiian music, and notably a few of these earned Grammy Awards.
Ho`olohe Hou Radio will help you wake up to a joyous, restful end (or beginning) of the week with “Slack Key Sundays.” Among the recordings featured: Live recordings from the Big Island Slack Key Festival, courtesy of Dancing Cat Records and George Winston who has graciously granted exclusive rights to the replay of these recordings to Ho`olohe Hou Radio in exchange for promotional consideration. Hear these rare recordings and others from the Ho`olohe Hou Radio archives when “Slack Key Sundays” debut soon.