This Day In Hawaiian Music History

Perhaps already known as the hallmark of Ho`olohe Hou Radio’s educational mission since its launch not all that long ago is a segment which airs almost daily – whenever a notable event in Hawaiian music crosses creator/host Bill Wynne’s mind. In “This Day In Hawaiian Music History,” Wynne celebrates the anniversary of the births and passings of Hawai`i entertainment legends, major show openings, historic concerts and festivals, and landmark recording sessions and record releases. Wynne is a veritable encyclopedia of Hawaiian music history who is also able to immediately put his fingers on a sound recording or video to commemorate these historic events.
More than any other on air segment at Ho`olohe Hou Radio, “This Day In Hawaiian Music History” is evidence that Wynne has devoted his life to Hawaiian music and continues to do – each segment requiring exhaustive research and at least an hour of studio time to record and edit a 5-10 minute segment. And he does this several times a week – whenever a historic occasion arises! Stay tuned to Ho`olohe Hou Radio to celebrate these anniversaries with Wynne as they only come around one day each year, and subscribe to our Facebook or Twitter feeds for information about who and what will be celebrated each day.
Click on the links below to hear samples from the “This Day In Hawaiian Music History” library. (NOTE: Because of copyright law, most of the music described in these segments can only be heard if you listen to Ho`olohe Hou Radio. These segments and the songs that accompany them air every 90 minutes throughout each listening day.)
“This Day In Hawaiian Music History” (Samples)
September 1, 1937 – Recording Session – Sam Koki Records “Paradise Isle” for the First Time
September 1, 1918 – Kent Ghirard Born
September 6, 1911 – Eddie Bush Born
September 21, 1939 – Recording Session – Ray Kinney featuring Tommy Castro
September 9, 1918 – Joe Keawe Born
(Date Unknown) 1959 – The Surfers Release Their First LP (On The Rocks)
September 9, 1904 – Alvin Kaleolani Isaacs Born
September 14, 1934 – Recording Session – Dick McIntire’s First Session as Leader